
Setting for SparkFun bme280, or bmp280 (where you comment out everything with humidity)

mySensorA.settings.commInterface = I2C_MODE;
//commInterface can be I2C_MODE or SPI_MODE (cs=10,sck=13,miso=12,mosi=11)

mySensorA.settings.I2CAddress = 0x77;
// can be 0x76 or 0x77

mySensorA.settings.runMode = 3;
// 0, Sleep mode
// 1 or 2, Forced mode
// 3, Normal mode

mySensorA.settings.tStandby = 0;
//tStandby can be:
// 0, 0.5ms
// 1, 62.5ms
// 2, 125ms
// 3, 250ms
// 4, 500ms
// 5, 1000ms
// 6, 10ms
// 7, 20ms

mySensorA.settings.filter = 0;
//filter can be off or number of FIR coefficients to use:
// 0, filter off
// 1, coefficients = 2
// 2, coefficients = 4
// 3, coefficients = 8
// 4, coefficients = 16

mySensorA.settings.tempOverSample = 1;
//tempOverSample can be:
// 0, skipped
// 1 through 5, oversampling *1, *2, *4, *8, *16 respectively

mySensorA.settings.pressOverSample = 1;
//pressOverSample can be:
// 0, skipped
// 1 through 5, oversampling *1, *2, *4, *8, *16 respectively

mySensorA.settings.humidOverSample = 1;
//humidOverSample can be:
// 0, skipped
// 1 through 5, oversampling *1, *2, *4, *8, *16 respectively


BME280 visits:

Application Note on bridging audio amplifiers

A discussion on bridging audio amplifier circuits like LM3886. Includes a schematic to drive a matched pair of amplifiers in a bridged configuration, power supply considerations for LM3886 and TDA1514 power amplifier circuits-especially in bridged pairs.

Application Note on parallel-bridging LM3886 audio amplifiers

How to make it loud - real loud. (230 watts rms into 8 ohms without clipping from 4 ICs. How to match LM3886s for parallel operation, then bridge the matched parallel banks. If you are not familiar with bridging amplifiers (BTL configuration), read the Application Note on bridging listed left in article Application Note on bridging audio amplifiers.

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